Tag: personal

  • <3 xkcd.

    I’ve always enjoyed reading xkcd, but lately a few of them have been hitting pretty close to home: When did we forget our dreams? You’re curious, smart, and bored, and all you see is the choice between working hard and slacking off. (This one’s my desktop right now, and also on my fridge.) Because we’re […]

  • So yeah. School.

    You may have been wondering why I haven’t been posting much about school. Perhaps you thought “Boy, he must be having such a great time that he hasn’t posted”! Welp. (Let’s put a cut here. If you’re in my class it’s up to you to decide whether or not to read on.)

  • Companionship and joy

    Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet: All companionship can consist only in the strengthening of two neighboring solitudes, whereas everything that one is wont to call giving oneself is by nature harmful to companionship: for when a person abandons himself, he is no longer anything, and when two people both give themselves up in order […]

  • Summing up the first two weeks of school.

    This has been a crazy, crazy two weeks, but the first intensive block of school is done, and on Tuesday the first regular semester begins. I’ve already completed two classes (save for a take-home exam and some longer-term assignments). Management Skills was 18h of class over the first four days covering the soft skills we’d […]

  • Friday was my last day at Mitel.

    As of Friday, I’m an unemployed bum! My last day at Mitel was short and sweet — I came in at 9, spent a couple of hours taking ssh keys out of root accounts and otherwise shutting off my access to standalone servers and anything else that would escape the standard departing-employee process, and then […]

  • cat, school

    A few brief personal updates: First, I heard back from the vet yesterday: Mouse’s last bloodwork all came back normal, so we have ourselves a healthy cat. The elevated white blood cell count was presumably entirely from her infected tooth and gums, which the tooth removal and antibiotics took care of, and the liver enzyme count […]

  • business cards

    Going back to school means I need personal “business” cards. Much of b-school is networking, and if all goes well there will be a lot of people who wish to include me in their post-MBA business network. I considered getting 4-color cards from a template at VistaPrint or some other web-based inexpensive-cards factory, but I […]

  • Catch-up post

    Been a while since I’ve posted. It’s been pretty busy, so here’s a quick catch-up on what’s gone on in the last couple of weeks: Mouseycat might be sick. She had a very loose canine tooth removed the other day and we found she’d lost nearly a kilogram (nearly 2.2 lbs) since the last time […]