
21 responses to “what”

  1. “Better yet, these are microwaveable, so just nukem and pukem.”


    If anyone ever needed evidence that we live in a screwed up, decadent society, I think this is a prime example. When I first saw this, I thought it was a photshop joke, but nope – it’s for real.

  2. Um.

    Pancakes + Chocolate Chips? eehhh, maybe. but ok.

    Pancakes + Sausage? ok.

    THE TWO ARE SUPPOSED TO BE MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE. Thank you, Jimmy Dean, for violating the rules of the universe.

  3. On a college campus I was at for a “camp” one night for dinner (cafeteria style) were Corn Dogs.

    They didn’t sell very well.

    Next morning they were “Pancakes on a stick”

  4. I’m usually in favor of sticked food.
    In this case, I say no.
    Did I mention, NO! This si the food they serve on the othe side of the river Styx.

  5. I used to buy those! Though this was before there was a chocolate chip variety. But hasn’t anyone heard of chocolate chip pancakes? They are not some new invention.