Tag: weird

  • sell them on bee bay

    1. Walls filled with bees 2. ??? 3. Profit!

  • For <lj user=”substitute”>

    I give you the hassofoil:

  • Dear America: Seriously scaring me here

    If only a womb were this safe, attractive and reasonably priced! And well-armed!

  • CBG does HHG

    “Last night’s ‘Itchy and Scratchy Show’ was, without a doubt, the worst episode ever. Rest assured, I was on the internet within minutes, registering my disgust throughout the world.”

  • area 51, mysterious circles

    Internet discovers irrigation while looking for Area 51. (See the comments of the linked post.) Someone really needs to convince BoingBoing that those irrigation circles are something mysterious.

  • omg sekrit!!

    While looking on the Vatican’s website to find out if there was any news about Schroedinger’s Pope, I found this. Don’t tell anyone!

  • oc to po des

    Oh, and I forgot to mention the bipedal octopus. First, read this New Scientist article, and then watch that octopus run!

  • What an odd day

    Today was full of weird stuff. I had spent a good part of yesterday evening tracking down an odd bug in Gaim in which it would try to participate in Jabber multiuser conferences using the nickname of the first other user it sees in the conference. It took me most of the night to figure […]