Tag: curling

  • Thus ends my first curling season

    The curling season’s over now, save for two nights in April where we have the ice but no organized games. I couldn’t ask for better results: my rink won the rookies’ league (by a two-win margin, and the second-place rink was that of my lead Tobi’s husband Tim, hah), and I came first in the […]

  • ring ring ring ring ring

    Yay, my phone works now, in both directions! And I’ve got my Bluetooth headset and voice dialing working, which is neat — unlike my previous phone, voice control on the RAZR doesn’t require any training, it just understands. My BlackBerry supports bluetooth headsets but doesn’t do voice dialing, which is just a bit impractical. I’m […]

  • Curling with newbies!

    Ottawa Curling Club logoCandice and I went to a curling party put on by Ottawa’s chapter of the McGill Young Alumni at the Ottawa Curling Club downtown today. Candice wasn’t too sure about curling, and I was worried it was going to be too basic, but it turned out fun! We had about a dozen curlers total. Of those, only Eddie (the event organizer, Young Alumni president, and a member of that club) had serious curling experience. another three, including me, had been curling in a rookies’ program since September, and two others had curled but not recently, so I ended up coaching a bit.

  • Updateything!

    Long time no post. It’s always long time no post, isn’t it? Sigh. Got the Christmas icon back, at least! Here’s a weird one for you: I installed Windows (XP Pro) on my laptop the other day. Yes, yes, hell’s frozen over, I know. I need to work in both Windows and Unix regularly, so […]

  • Curling!

    As some of you figured out yesterday, last night I went curling! It was my third Sunday night out in the rookie program at the Granite Curling Club, which is about a five-minute walk from home. It’s been ups and downs so far, but mostly ups. The first week’s session went well — curling immersion, […]

  • guess what I did tonight


  • also the US curling effort seems to involve cute blonde sisters somehow

    From a Associated Press overview piece on Olympic curling from the NBC Olympics website: Although popular in Scotland, which claims to have invented curling, and in Canada, which claims to have invented ice, curling remains on the fringe in the United States. Editors? Editors?

  • snake oil bonspiel

    Right now the Canada Cup of Curling is on the CBC. Now, curling’s reasonably mainstream in Canada, enough to get Sunday afternoon TV coverage, but it’s still a second-tier sport, so it tends to collect some odd sponsors. The men’s championship Brier, after being sponsored by Labatt for years, is now sponsored by Tim Horton’s; […]