I expect better from the CBC.

RCMP horses end 30 years of roaming on Parliament Hill

Mounties on horseback have stopped clip-clopping about Ottawa’s Parliament Hill, quietly ending a 30-year-old Canadian tradition.[…]

She added the decision was made after the RCMP’s musical ride staff realized that the public is not as accustomed to horses as it was three decades ago, when most people knew not to walk behind the horses or make sudden movements near them.

“People run to the horse, they grab the tail,” Deschênes said, adding that police were concerned that kind of horseplay could lead to an accident in the future.

Was that necessary? No, I don’t think that was necessary.

(Also, I bet those people now know not to walk behind the horses.)

One response to “I expect better from the CBC.”

  1. That was not only necessary, it was beautiful. It brought a tear to my eye. I support it with unbridled enthusiasm.