Comments on: pcAnywhere usecrime Rich Lafferty's OLD blog Fri, 14 May 2004 22:19:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: sensitive_one Fri, 14 May 2004 22:19:43 +0000 #comment-1186 i never liked pcanywhere and used to use ice-ten. hmm, i’m going to take another look at pcanywhere when i go to work next week. i never noticed this silliness.

since we’re talking about the wrong buttons being next to one another…. outlook put “delete” next to “send/receive”?! looks like some passive/aggressive designing to me.

By: Rich Fri, 14 May 2004 15:03:12 +0000 #comment-1185 No particular justification to change enterprise-wide. A toolbar certainly isn’t sufficient. :-) (And VNC doesn’t do file transfers.)

By: brianenigma Fri, 14 May 2004 13:26:45 +0000 #comment-1184 It looks to me like the third one *should* be “Shut down remote system” based on the first and second ones. Does closing the pcAnywhere window disconnect? If so, is there a difference between disconnecting by closing the window and disconnecting with the toolbar button?

By: technotronic Fri, 14 May 2004 13:18:21 +0000 #comment-1183 Why not Windows Terminal Services or VNC?
