Comments on: Casting off baggage Rich Lafferty's OLD blog Mon, 31 Mar 2003 13:06:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: pegs Mon, 31 Mar 2003 13:06:51 +0000 #comment-263 Good for you :)

By: deviant_ Mon, 31 Mar 2003 01:56:23 +0000 #comment-262 Another interestingly coincidence, one of the reasons I stopped with violin in grade school was the gearing towards performance. I really can’t stand it. Many years later, Fezzgig persuaded me to pick up a bass. Not only is reading the music funky because of the clef, but the upside-down naming from tuning in fourths really throws you for a loop when explaning things :P

By: Rich Sun, 30 Mar 2003 23:12:19 +0000 #comment-261 What a coincidence! I have a messageboard about tin whistles. :-)

One thing caught me as odd, though — if you’re thinking of learning to read music to then pick up the bass, be prepared for a bit of stumbling when you move from the treble clef to the bass clef.

By: funos Sun, 30 Mar 2003 21:23:30 +0000 #comment-260 Hmm….interesting.

I have a tin whistle I plan to get into as a test to see if
I have the interest and discipline to learn to read music,
which is a prelude to bass which itself would be in the long
term a prelude to electric guitar.

(How I sometimes wish I hadn’t sold my ’76 Rickenbacker…)

..and then there is the synth in the works.
Much programming to do to make it happen.

Someday…just a matter of working towards it,
clearing the other junk in the way.

By: Rich Sun, 30 Mar 2003 20:08:56 +0000 #comment-259 Well, to their credit, after the first semester in jazz perf, I really enjoyed my time at the music faculty — their computer music program had me taking courses in music, electrical engineering, computer science, math, and physics, which is pretty much as “me” as it gets, notwithstanding the whole social sciences thing.

I switched into sociology because I was not coping very well with life at the time, and figured that I ought to just get a BA and get out, and worry about what I really wanted to do later on. As it turned out, sociology and econ were pretty close to what I wanted to do later on, and I switched into honours a semester in, but that wasn’t the intent when I switched. (Of course, I’m happy as a sysadmin now, so..)

But yeah, the performance thing was filled with bad mojo.

By: genericus Sun, 30 Mar 2003 19:26:11 +0000 #comment-258 I did not major in music.

Glad you’re playing again. I hope you never listen to what anyone else says again. That path is madness.
